Continuing our work with James Montgomery Academy Trust (JMAT) based in Rotherham, we recently delivered #firstaid training to staff from across the Trust.
Lisa Loftus commented that she enjoyed “all of it – really enjoyable and informative”, while Leanne Wiggins said she didn’t enjoy “when it ended”.
Lisa Allott added that “the course was effective, interesting and interactive – just fantastic!” and Debbie Woolfenden said that the course was an “excellent refresher – Sam is a fantastic tutor – keeping it right but getting to the point of some serious issues”.
Thank you for the excellent feedback, JMAT, and we look forward to seeing you again soon! 

We’re First Aid Schools, a small independent first aid training company specialising in delivering training to all audiences, both in and out of an educational setting. Whether you need a one-off training course or something bespoke to your school, we are the first aid training provider for you.