An outstanding group of Post-16 students and a staff member undertook their first aid training recently at The McAuley Catholic High School in Doncaster.
Students left the training session with the knowledge and understanding needed to help in any future first aid and emergency scenarios.
Ms Cunningham, PE teacher, said “The practical scenarios and hands-on approach were really useful. The tutor was excellent: very engaging and knowledgeable!”
K Yeboah, a sixth form student at the school, said “It was fun so made (the first aid training) more memorable.”
L Manhanda, another sixth form student who undertook the session, said “I now know how to help someone in all kinds of emergency situations. The instructor was really kind and helpful.
The students all undertook our Emergency First Aid at Work training, which we offer each year to the sixth form at McAuleys. The students are always fantastic, and we’ll be back at the school later this month!